El escritor peruano, Mario Vargas Llosa cumple 78 años.

caption id=»attachment_3306″ align=»alignleft» width=»300″]USA - Nobel Luareate Mario Vargas Llosa Ha sido premio Príncipe de Asturias en 1986.[/caption]

USA - Nobel Luareate Mario Vargas Llosa

Premio Nobel en 2010.

The top 10 of culture in 2010

Premio Cervantes en 1994.

File photo of Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa speaking during the presentation of his book "El viaje a la Ficcion. El Mundo de Juan Carlos Onetti" in Madrid

Candidato a la presidencia de Perú en 1994.

Mario Vargas Llosa

Ha escrito cuento, novela, ensayo.

Credit: Album / Leemage / Prisma

Algunas de sus obras han sido: La ciudad y los perros (1962), La casa verde (1965) y Conversación en La Catedral (1969).

Peruvian author Llosa, Nobel laureate and president of the International Freedom Foundation, addresses the audience during the "Latin America: Opportunities and Challenges" seminar in Lima

Cuatro de sus novelas han sido adaptadas para cine.

Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature, smiles during a news conference in New York City Peruvian-born literature Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa attends a conference to promote his participation in a new theatre adaptation of “One Thousand and One Nights”, in Mexico City Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Literature, looks at a portrait of himself at the Madrid Book Fair Mario Vargas Llosa G.B. ENGLAND. London. Mario Vargas Llosa. 2001. Credit: Album / Oronoz

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